Refund Policy Back

If you can demonstrate to us that the service you have purchased from us does not work due to technical issues related to our website and that you have sought support for this, and you have not received instructions, assistance or bug fixes on how to fix the issue, you have our apologies and we will refund your membership fee for the current membership period.
We guarantee that our website will work as promoted and you will receive support for any issues you have with it, HOWEVER this does not cover you deciding you don’t like some aspect of the service, or would prefer a different product.

So, if you wish to receive a refund, please take the following steps:

Please contact support using the support email address sent to you as part of your subscription, shortly after you joined.

Please give us time to assist you as much as possible (this may take a few days to look into in detail and analyze and assist with tricky technical stuff)

If we have been unable to assist you, and the service as not working please contact us with the links to your support threads and any other information you can provide for us.

First we will look into the issue and do everything we can to see if we can assist you (we don’t want to lose you as a member!) if that fails and we are culpable then we will issue you a full refund, with our apologies.

We ask for your patience and understanding in allowing us the opportunity to resolve any issues you might have.

If all questions of return arise, we are guided by the EU directive on consumer faults:


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